
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sweet Corn Relish

It's the time of year when I become frantic for local fresh produce.  I live in fear that within the blink of an eye there will be no more perfect tomatoes, no more sweet, crisp corn, no charming, multicolored carrots, no plump, juicy peaches and no more fresh, sweet berries to be had anywhere.  I am currently in a frenzy trying to get my fill.  Last night on my way home from work I bought a dozen corn, 4 bunches of carrots, 1 massive green cabbage, 2 huge local cauliflowers, 4 red shepherd peppers, 2 pounds of tomatoes and 4 field cucumbers...for 2 people.  I told you...frantic.  I need to take a deep breath and cook.  Let's start with the picture perfect corn, cabbage and red peppers.  I have just the thing.  Sweet Corn Relish.  This is a fresh, flavourful, relish that is great served as an accompaniment to grilled chicken or steak or try adding it to salad greens.

Sweet Corn Relish

Notes:  This recipe is super easy.  You just throw everything in a pot and simmer it for a while.  My liquid never evaporated as the instructions just got more juicy as the veggies released their moisture.  I strained the mixture before I put it into jars, but next time I will leave a little liquid in the jars for extra flavour and juiciness.  The author says this relish will keep for up to 6 weeks in an airtight container...but I don't see mine making it past this weekend.

6  cups  fresh corn kernels (about 8 ears)
3  cups  chopped green cabbage
1  cup  chopped red bell pepper
1  cup  cider vinegar
1/2  cup  sugar
1/2  cup  chopped shallots (about 2 large)
2  teaspoons  celery seeds
2  teaspoons  mustard seeds
1  teaspoon  salt
1  teaspoon  cumin seeds
1/2  teaspoon  ground turmeric
1/8  teaspoon  crushed red pepper

Combine all ingredients in a Dutch oven (big heavy pot) and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender and most of liquid evaporates, stirring frequently.  Cool mixture and transfer into airtight containers.

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